Revistas Arquitectura PDF

Hablando de Teo de Diego del Castillo

Se trata de una obra donde Diego del Castillo expone de una forma muy pedadogica su ideario sobre la ideacion del proyecto en todas sus vertientes. La oficina de Arquitectura Urbana – oAu (division de proyectos de oAu+Drq-A) – es un estudio de arquitectura en Lima, Perú liderado por el arquitecto Diego del Castillo C.A.P.

Hablando de Teo de Diego del Castillo Leer más »

Clases de proyectos, Revistas Arquitectura PDF

Handbook of Regenerative Landscape Design

By Robert L. FrancePublisher: CRCNumber Of Pages: 488Publication Date: 2007-10-18ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0849391881ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780849391880Binding: Hardcover Book Description:What if environmentally damaged landscapes could not only beremediated from an ecological standpoint, but also designedto replenish an entire community as well as the naturesurrounding it? The Handbook of Regenerative Landscape Designincorporates ecology, engineering, sociology, and designelements

Handbook of Regenerative Landscape Design Leer más »

Revistas Arquitectura PDF

Landscape and Sustainability

By Maggie RoePublisher: RoutledgeNumber Of Pages: 320Publication Date: 2007-09-19ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415404436ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415404433 Book Description:This unique book addresses the issue of sustainability fromthe point of view of landscape architecture, dealing withprofessional practices of planners, designers and landscapemanagers.This second edition contains updated and new materialreflecting the developments in the field during the last fiveyears,

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Revistas Arquitectura PDF