concursos de la Architectural Association School of Architecture de Londres

Desde el pasado agosto, fecha en que visité Londres por última vez, estoy tratando de escribir unas líneas acerca de los pabellones instalados en Bedford Square. Este es el tercer año en el que la city de Londres permite la instalación en su espacio urbano de dos pabellones diseñados por integrantes de la Architectural Association

concursos de la Architectural Association School of Architecture de Londres Leer más »

diseño urbano, Innovación educativa

Jørn Utzon Borealis v2.0 (at the Utzon Center, DK)

The installation Jørn Utzon Borealis is a personal approach to the work of this great Danish architect, translated to an audiovisual and contemporary media. Thinking about the Utzon’s work brings to mind thoughts of clouds, northern lights, and ethereal dream-like feelings for me. Most particularly the dramatic roofs of his buildings, floating over massive, robust

Jørn Utzon Borealis v2.0 (at the Utzon Center, DK) Leer más »

video instalacion

Jørn Utzon Borealis v2.0 (at the Utzon Center, DK)

The installation Jørn Utzon Borealis is a personal approach to the work of this great Danish architect, translated to an audiovisual and contemporary media. Thinking about the Utzon’s work brings to mind thoughts of clouds, northern lights, and ethereal dream-like feelings for me. Most particularly the dramatic roofs of his buildings, floating over massive, robust

Jørn Utzon Borealis v2.0 (at the Utzon Center, DK) Leer más »

Aprendiendo Arquitectura


This project experiment in the relation Dance and New Means establishing a dialoge interdisciplinary between body in movement, electronic image and sound. We take as it bases theoretics the processes of choreographic construction, and relations that are possible to establish between the discipline of the dance, the famele sort, the politician and the artistic production



Sesiones preliminares Workshop on-line EL PAISAJE EXPANDIDO

“Las cosas evolucionan hacia o desde la nada. Cuando al anochecer seacerca a los valles, el viajero se pregunta dónde buscar cobijo para pasar lanoche. Ve altos juncos creciendo por todos lados, los junta en una brazada,erguidos tal y como se mantienen en el campo, y los ata por arriba. Presto, unachoza de hierba viva.

Sesiones preliminares Workshop on-line EL PAISAJE EXPANDIDO Leer más »

Innovación educativa, PlusProyectos+++

Greg Lynn: How calculus is changing architecture

Greg Lynn talks about the mathematical roots of architecture — and how calculus and digital tools allow modern designers to move beyond the traditional building forms. A glorious church in Queens (and a titanium tea set) illustrate his theory. About Greg Lynn Greg Lynn is the head of Greg Lynn FORM, an architecture firm known

Greg Lynn: How calculus is changing architecture Leer más »

3d, Clases de proyectos