Viviendas para estudiantes

La siguiente propuesta de viviendas para estudiantes viene por la idea que lance el año pasado en las conclusiones de la semna cultural de arquitectura. Empece muy joven a trabajar y con mucho esfuerzo he conseguido arriesgar siempre mucho, tener pocas satisfaciones y estar acostumbrado a estar en boca de todo el mundo. Asi que creo que la reivindicacion mas clara para un estudiante de arquitectura es pedir un espacion, aunque sea hipotetico para poder ejercer la profesion y vivir. De ahi se parte y seguramente la ubicacion de en donde vivas te originará un mercado concreto. Por que no empezar ya a pedir un espacio publico para este sector donde necesitamos programar los proyectos con tantos años de anticipacion.
Os recuerdo que si la vivienda puede comerse el 50% de vuestro suledo durante 35 o 40 años, la vivienda y un estudio puede ser el 75% de nuestro trabajo durante esos años. Asi que animo, creo que es una buena reivindicacion, con peso, entendible y conseguible.

Student apartment studios on Route des Petits Ponts – Paris 19e
2008 invited competition- first prize

General Description

The project involves a dormitory with 180 studios on the site of the Stade de Ladoumègue in Paris in 19th district. The plot of the building is part of urban development done by Reichen & Robert architects.

By early 2012, the Paris tram will pass by the site, and the goal is to complete the project before the opening in 2011. Another project goal is to achieve a building consumption with very little power, joining the desire of the city of Paris through its «climate plan». The major objectives of the project is to design a home to accommodate students able to offer them a healthy environment for study, learn, have fun, meet … The building must be «energy efficient» and be built at the end of 2010. To achieve these objectives with energy performance and construction time table plan the focus was to design a simple, well insulated and ventilated object which will function at best during all seasons.

Architectural, urban and technical proposal

The parcel has a very particular configuration; 11 meters in width and extends about 200 meters long in north-south axis, which foreshadows the importance of processing the eastern facade overlooking the extension of the street of small bridges (des Petits Ponts). In addition, this street will host the tram, a road cyclist and pedestrian walkways. The extension of the street of small bridges also leads to the Canal de l’Ourcq, hence the priority treatment landscaped plot to accompany this urban landscape.

In our case, it is not just a building to integrate into its environment but rather to integrate a piece of street, a facade composed of buildings and landscape.

The residence follows the urban plot which are two blocks divided by sharing landscape garden.

Both parts are organized according to a simple and functional frame for a logical and economic optimization. On ground floor are the lobby, the rooms, common areas opened over the course and some studios (accessible for the disabled). Upstairs are all studios and a terrace.

The plans are organized according to simple management and maintainance. Also the task was to provide students environment of indoor and outdoor quality with creating the meeting places in which each student can feel good and enjoy the indoor and outdoor landscape. Access to the residence is between the 2 buildings. For security and management reasons, there is only one entry. We used the system of horizontal flow; taking into account technical constraints related to sports complex vis-à-vis the main housing openings. The circulations are naturally lit and ventilated, and allowing East-West views…..

Project: Student apartment studios on Route des Petits Ponts – Paris 19e

Design team: Rok Oman, Spela Videcnik, Robert Janez, Katja Aljaz, Andrej Gregoric, Javier Carrera (OFIS ARHITEKTI)


Structural engineering: Matjaz Pilic – Elea IC

Mechanical, Electrical engineering & sustainability -Menerga d.o.o.

Imágenes gentileza > OFIS ARHITEKTI

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Otras obras > Lace apartments, Nova Gorica – Eslovenia / Tetris apartments

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