Los avances colectivos en la educacion a traves de tecnologia, contenidos y conocimientos abiertos

Un trabajo pragmatico auspiciado por The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching y con estudios de casos donde se muestra las teorías de la nueva educación basada en tecnologías, contenidos y conocimientos abiertos.
Ha sido un descubrimiento que me ha merecido mi satisfacción de ver plasmado en este documento aquello que de manera quizás mas sucinta y especializada en la arquitectura me gustaria hacer.
Es un estudio de investigacion donde una vez mas se prueba la efectividad y metodologias nuevas en red.
A continuacion dos link de mucho interes para estar actualizado uno sobre la OCDE, otro del foro sobre la universidad virtual en la UNESCO y un parrafo acerca del documento siguiente:

«Perhaps the most signifi cant sign of open education’s promise of
deep transformation is that it is becoming an essential part of the
discourse on educational opportunity and change at institutional,
national, and international levels. Forums sponsored by OECD (See
Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational
Resources at http://www.oecd.org/cer) and UNESCO (See http://www.
), and conferences hosted
by developing countries, actively explore the effectiveness and viability
of open solutions to address large-scale educational reform. Teacher
training and faculty development efforts are areas of particular interest,
along with opportunities for continuous education. Meanwhile, institutions
in developed countries are beginning to grapple with how the
open education movement can bring vitality and relevance to curricula
through new models of learner participation, and through crossdisciplinary
and global perspectives. These institutions are also
beginning to rethink their educational infrastructure in order to better
support open education.»


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