Propuesta de adaptacion y reuso de Silos en Amsterdam

Renacimiento de los Silos

Los Silos en Zeeburgereiland estan buscando una nueva funcion. Estan localizados en un sitio estrategico entre Amsterdan y la zona de expansion llamada IjBurg. Es una isla de facil acceso a traves de la carretera A10.

NL Architects propone una adaptacion del uso del mismo.

En Abril Bustler anuncia que Arons en Gelauff Architects ganaron el concurso de adaptacion para el reuso de los Silos en el distrito de Zeeburg de Amsterdan.

Aqui la propuesta de NL Architects.

Text and images by NL Architects


Three silos will remain. One will be developed into an office building and is not part of this competition. But it is essential that this tower will be conceived in close cooperation with the two other silos; they should form a set. In this proposal the silos will be dedicated to Climbing, Sports and Culture. The Second Coming of the silos will be abstract and mysterious. The existing structures will be extended to the maximum height to benefit from the views and to create monumental substance in the projected urban condition. In the midst of the mainly residential development the new silos are reminiscent of their industrial past. They will become an enhanced version of themselves; stretched and twisted, like most memories.


Para entrar en la competicion era necesario presentar un estudio sobre los futuros usuarios y un plan de empresa sobre el mismo.

To enter this two stage competition it was obligatory to form a team of future users and to present a business plan. Developers Amvest and Blauwhoed composed a ‘broad coalition’ of dynamic organizations in the fields of music, theater, multimedia, fashion, dance and sports that will address a wide range of target groups and that will benefit from each others presence. The accumulation of these facilities will be an asset to the new neighborhood and create an intense cultural micro climate.


El Silo cultural es basicamente una gran pila de recursos culturales

Cultural Silo

The Cultural Silo basically is a big pile of cultural facilities. Starting point is the ‘box in box’ principle. By positioning a new tube inside the existing one noise hindrance can be contained: it becomes possible to be loud inside without annoying the neighbors. And vice versa noise from the outside will not affect activities in the interior. In the cavity between inside and outside a monumental stair winds up, deforming the inner tube into a facetted Barbapapa.


There will be two theaters with dressing rooms and rehearsal spaces, spaces for workshops, for exhibitions and for music studios. And for Hair Design. A bridge connects the silos at the height of the original roof level, boosting the public character. The Silos become communicating vessels. Office spaces will be positioned on top. The top level will be dedicated to a restaurant with 360 degrees views and a roof terrace.


Climbing Silo

Believe it or not but climbing has become a national sport in the Netherlands. But the number of facilities is limited, new ‘routes’ are more than welcome. The silos offer great potential for indoor climbing. The diameter of 22 meter is sufficient for serious cantilevers and merciless overhangs that will make the trajectories a real challenge while keeping a form of concentrated intimacy. On the basis of the cylinder a 40 meter high artificial ‘cave’ can be created, a Gothic Atrium, an inverted Sagrada Familia. Artificial nature, Art Deco but fully Functional! A Pantheon-ish roof light will give a sense of direction. The space, probably one of the most spectacular in the City, can be used for many different events: weddings, performances, parties and will play an important role in the desired symbiotic relationship between the two towers. Since a Chapel is still missing from the new residential areas it could maybe double as a church…




Since climbing walls essentially are oblique, a sublime section can emerge: the increasing space between outside and inside -the ‘dark matter’ in a conventional climbing hall- can be inhabited: on the higher levels the ‘Poché’ becomes useable Floor Area. Here you’ll find a hotel, training facilities and a ‘square’ that can be used in multiple ways. These floors all have openings towards the void. After breakfast, you could go abseiling into the cave. On ground level is a public café. The café is connected with the climbing tower through a hole in the floor above it and is surrounded by the boulder area.




Climbing grips will be placed on the outside of the silo too. The exterior as such becomes part of the ‘program’; climbers will activate the facade. By ‘pushing’ the silo wall from the inside several swellings form on the outside: these bulges create more challenging routes. Through its new function the silo acquires a mysterious sculptural quality and becomes Logo.






Silos Zeeburgereiland

Client: Amvest, Blauwhoed

Users: Combiwel/Fijnhout Theater, Diversion, Mediatrack, Mountain Network, Nowhere, Rikit People, Theaterbureau Grünfeld

NL Architects: Pieter Bannenberg, Walter van Dijk, Kamiel Klaasse

NL Architects team: Arne van Wees, Tomas Amtmann, Joost Luub, Yuichi Tanaka, Yannick Vanhaelen, Gen Yamamoto, Ivar van der Zwan

Contractor: De Nijs en Zonen

Installations: VIAC Installatie Adviseurs

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